Creating a positive relationship between parents and teachers really takes awareness and special care. Lack of effective communication between parents and teachers will hinder getting solutions to challenges that students might have. Teachers judge the parents based on their students’ hygiene, dress and social skills while parents judge teachers based on the comments from their children and blame teachers for their children’s bad grades, bad behaviour or bad attitude. Sometimes children accuse teachers of being unfair, picking on them, being prejudiced or a myriad of other questionable treatments.
There must be effective communication between the parents and teachers to achieve the same goal which is to give the best to the children. At the inception of the class, teachers need to call the parents of their pupils for introduction and for establishment of positive communication line. Later, teachers can call to tell the parent something good the child has done with focus on behaviour, improvement and quality of work. Only after these calls have been made should the teacher call about a problem; not before. In this way, parents and teachers have already established a trusting, workable relationship that significantly diminishes blaming.
Parents, too, can help communication. They can inform teachers of things happening at home that might affect student behaviour; a pending divorce, serious illness, birth of a new baby, a change or addition of a medication, or a parent on an extended trip abroad are all examples of things that can help teachers. Setting up effective communication and forming a team are very powerful tools in helping children be successful in school. Children spend most of their time at home and in school. When teachers and parents are allies and teammates, their combined influence on children is very powerful indeed.
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